quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

lack of creativity

lack of creativity

"in construction"

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

In between days

I know that I've been away the last weeks.
But I have been drawing during this time - it's not mandalas anymore, but a chaotic draw.

Hope you all like it:

Illustration 1
(follow the making off)

Illustration 2

Illustration 3

Illustration 4

Illustration 5


Illustration 7

Illustration 8

Hope you guys enjoy it!!

quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010

the hardest part

I did this last week, but forgot to post. Sorry

quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010

That's what I get

no, it's not "that's what you get", from that teenager band Paramore... it is a song from Nine Inch Nails. It fits perfectly:

I am not drawing mandalas these last days, but I promisse I will post you really soon this crazy drawings that I did


sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

No boundaries

Since my mind, heart and sould broke into pieces, there were no boundaries for drawing.
There is no mandala, no rule, no meaning. It was just confusion and pain:

quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Sopa de tomate

Não deu para fazer arabescos, então vai assim mesmo. A famosa receita de  

Sopa de Tomate da Dona Vera:
(observem que a receita vem de Portugal, e por isto tem expressões bizarras)

  • 1 fatia de bacon,
  • 1 cenoura grande,
  • 1 cebola,
  • 1 dente pequeno de alho,
  • 2 colheres, das de sopa, cheias de manteiga,
  • 1 pitada de orégáo,
  • 1 colher, das de chá, de açúcar mascavo ou refinado,
  • 1 1/2 litro de Consomê de Carne (pode ser feito com 2 tabletes de caldo concentrado de carne),
  • 10 a 12 tomates grandes,
  • 1 colher, das de sopa, de extrato de tomate,
  • 4 colheres, das de sopa, de arroz cru,
  • 1 colher, das de sopa, de môlho inglês,
  • 4 colheres, das de sopa, de creme de leite fresco,
  • sal.

MANEIRA DE FAZER - Primeira etapa: - Faça um bom refogado com 1 colher, das de sopa, de manteiga, o bacon picadinho, o alho socado, a cebola e a cenoura em fatias finas. Adicione o açúcar, o extrato de tomate, o orégão e os tomates picadinhos (sem as sementes); torne a refogar muito bem, junte o consomê e tempere com sal e molho inglês. Após ferver uns 10 minutos, deite o arroz e deixe cozinhar.
Segunda etapa: - Quando o arroz estiver bem cozido e o caldo saboroso e com pouca acidez, passe pelo liquidificador e coe em uma peneira fina. Torne a levar ao fogo brando, deixe ferver por mais alguns minutos, junte a manteiga restante, retire do fogo, deite o creme de leite; misture rapidamente e sirva em seguida. Acompanhe com cubinhos de pão torrado, fritos em manteiga ou, então, com pedacinhos de gruyere ou prato.

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010


Having such complicated days...
So I've been just doodling at work these last weeks:

segunda-feira, 26 de abril de 2010

Under construction


I know I've been absence these last days, but it was for a good reason:  we had been working on my petit atelier. Fancy name, but it was only an empty room that we put a table and a lamp (and have it painted, after I tried to painted myself, in a disaster action).

Here is my petit atelier:

And here some details of it: the corkboard, with some special stuff that I have (including letters from my hubsand, pictures of our travels and other things), and the mess of the table - it takes a lot of pens to do some works!

Hope you guys enjoy it!
Soon I will be posting some collection of mini mandalas I am working on, for a special project with a friend.


quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

New Patterns

Trying new patterns for zendalas.
What about?


segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010


It's been awhile since I posted last time... sorry about that. I am going to try to post at least one draw a week, ok?

I just invented this new verb to describe this new mandala... zentangling...
What do you think?
Love always

terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010


Hi everyone

Sorry for these non-posting days that have passed; my mind was in a blank situation.
I started this drawing a few days ago, but I've just finished today. It feels like a
kaleidoscope - don't you think?


sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010

Heart Tree #2

I saw a beautiful drawing of a "heart tree" on the internet and got inspired.
Hope you enjoy:
love always

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Lack of imagination

This is a mandala that I made based on a beautiful drawing that I saw on fllickr the other day
The result was not quite as good as I wanted it to, but this blog is about failures as well... hihihi



A Pink Mandala

Here it is a Pink Mandala I made for a girl from Netherlands - I have to send a postcard to her (through postcrossing) and she loves pink and doesn't like to receive "regular postcards" - so my friend July came up with the idea of making a mandala for the girl - good idea!!

Oh, and I scanned two phases of the drawing.What do you guys think?


terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010


This is an old zendala I made, with pictures of the processing of creating a mandala...
The pictures, as you know, were taken with my iPhone (that's the reason of the poor quality)... but you can get the idea...


segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010


This is the mandala I made inspired by The Little Prince, especially for my dear friend July, who loves this book as much as I do.

Hope you all enjoy it:
Mari :-)

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Two simple heart mandalas

Some studies on color and heart mandalas brought me into this:
Hope you all enjoy them
Sorry for the colours - my scanner is not fully "regulated"



Scanner is on! So heere they are: two "pure" zendalas (one a scratch, other a final work). Hope you all enjoy:

The scratchy one:

And the "finished"one, Universe of Circles:

Have a nice weekend!

terça-feira, 2 de março de 2010

Zendala - Flowers and stuff

Sorry for my lack of criativity - that's why I was out for the last days...

Here is a flower zentangle mandala:

The picture is taken by my iPhone - my scanner is unavaiable yet, but next week should be "online"


segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010

Heart Mandala

Hello everybody

This is a heart mandala:
Hope you all enjoy.

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010


Just a quick draft that I did in my work, for a new mandala that I intend to do at home, with some time, real colors and peace of mind (if I find this next item - it's quite sold out nowadays)

Here it goes:

Sorry for the picture - it was taken with my iPhone...

quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

A new beginning

hello world

this is a place I intend to use to post my drawings - hope you enjoy.
to start:


the colors change a bit with the scanner, 'cause my pencils are not professional (yet), but... this is it.

hope you all like it.
